The data room solution at a fixed price: DOREE+

The platform for due diligence, mergers & acquisitions, financial transactions, real estate transactions and secure data exchange.

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Data room

All inclusive - at a fixed price.

  • GDPR-compliant
  • Q&A Workflow
  • DWG drawings
  • Dynamic watermark
  • Notes and comments
  • Drag & Drop Upload
  • Versioning

Our digital data room is an internet-based platform that enables secure access to confidential documents. Typical areas of application are:

  • Mergers
  • Acquisitions
  • Due diligence audits
  • Data exchange with customers and business partners
  • M&A (Merger & Acquisitions)
  • Reporting
  • Due Diligence
  • Real estate transactions
  • Client communication
  • Construction diary

The highlights of the DOREE+ platform include versioning, the ability to display DWG files without additional software and the ticket system.

The servers for operating our GDPR-compliant data rooms are all located in Germany.

Everything at a fixed price, with no hidden costs.

DWG drawings

Technical drawings - Without additional software

  • Quick view
  • Detailed consideration

DWG files, a standard format for CAD drawings, play a crucial role in architecture, engineering and many other industries.

The view works without the installation of additional software!


Efficient data management

  • Comprehensive versioning functions
  • Track and manage every change to documents and files
  • Historical insights into the development of documents
  • Facilitating cooperation
  • Improvement of work processes

Versioning in the data room makes changes to files and documents visible over time. All versions are backed up with a timestamp and user ID and can be viewed and restored at any time.

Another important aspect of versioning is ensuring the integrity and traceability of changes. Users can track exactly who made certain modifications, when and why. This is particularly relevant in regulated industries where strict compliance requirements apply.

This is what our customers say about us.

Q&A Workflow

Effective communication

  • Prioritisation
  • Detailed reporting
  • Definable question limits

A Q&A (Questions & Answers) workflow gives users the opportunity to obtain further information by asking questions, for example as part of a due diligence. Depending on the design of the Q&A workflow, it may be desired that each bidder may only ask a certain number of questions and that these must be submitted at certain times;


More overview - faster decisions

  • Project status quickly recognisable
  • Overview of all KPIs

The task of the dashboard is to clearly display key figures and performance indicators (KPIs) of various kinds. The compact presentation of the most important information helps you to make well-founded decisions.

Ticket System

Efficient task management

  • Create and assign tickets
  • Delegate and process tasks
  • Notification of defects

Our ticket system offers a customised solution for organising requests and orders and tracking progress on various aspects;

Each ticket contains all associated information such as documents, files or photos, enabling efficient processing.

Photo documentation

Capture, link and document

  • Drag & Drop Upload
  • Fast loading times
  • Keywording
  • 360° photos
  • Links to reports, tickets and Q&A

The keywording of photos enables topic-related clustering and efficient management of image material.

360-degree photos (e.g. a drone shot) can be used and viewed without additional software or tools.

Links to findings and reports, e.g. TDD report, are also possible.


All signs point to green

  • Real data quality
  • Effective retrieval
  • Safety risks in the traffic light system
  • Linking of reports and photos

Findings occur again and again during monitoring or technical due diligence. In our simple representation as a traffic light system, safety-relevant states of the technical building equipment are labelled accordingly.

This method offers a simple and intuitive way of communicating the status:

Green: Condition in order

  • All systems function as expected and fulfil the safety standards.
  • There are no acute problems or risks.

Yellow: anomalies or potential risks

  • Some irregularities have been detected that may indicate future problems.
  • Measures may be required to maintain optimum performance and safety.

Red: Critical problems or safety risks

  • There are serious problems or safety risks that require immediate attention.
  • The functionality of the systems is severely impaired and there is a risk of damage or injury.

By using a traffic light system, stakeholders can be informed quickly and clearly about the condition of the technical building equipment. This makes it possible to identify and implement priority measures to ensure the safety and efficiency of the systems.


Decision template at the touch of a button

Together with our specialists and engineers, we support you in the following areas:

  • ESG
  • TAM
  • Monitoring
  • Building condition inspection
  • Technical due diligence
  • Vendor Due Diligence

The reports we produce include a summary of key findings and recommendations for potential investors or business partners.

They also contain technical details that are relevant for experts, such as an assessment of the architecture, performance and scalability of a system. They may also include risk assessments that highlight potential impacts on the company’s business objectives and long-term sustainability.

ESG has become one of the most important topics in the property sector due to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the European Green Deal.

The reports from an ESG report are crucial for investment decisions and can help to minimise potential risks and identify opportunities. They provide a sound basis for negotiations and enable investors to make informed decisions about the future of a company.

By presenting the technical aspects clearly and precisely, these reports enable effective communication between technical experts and decision-makers from other areas of a company.